
Monday, 23 September 2013

Using an index

Using an index
L.I. -     Library/Research skills
Using an index to find information quickly

Most non-fiction books have an index.  Like a table of contents, it lists the books contents and relevant page numbers, but in much more detail.  It presents the topics in alphabetical order to help your search.  Below is an example from a health book.


aerobics                    2-14
breathing                 9-10
carbohydrates      36
co-ordination         20-25
cycling                       32
diet                              30-40
diseases                   45-65
doctor                       40-44
drinking                    63
drugs, harmful      70-75
drugs, medical       60-65
exercise                    11-20
fat                               35
fatigue                      76-79
good health            80-90
happy                       91-92
hospital                    40-44, 48-65
hygiene                    93-94

illness                           45-65
incapacitated           45-65
injuries                         60-65
inoculation                 96-98
lungs                             9-10, 60-64
medicine                      45-65, 96-98
mental illness            99-120
moods                          99-104
pharmacist                 60-65
physical activities     121-150
rest                                 151-155
self-discipline              115-120              
smoking                       121-124
sport                             15-20
strength                      12-14
vigour                           140-150
vitamins                       64-65
weight                           30-35

Before you start highlight 4 words you don’t know and look them up in the dictionary.

Why are there two index entries for drugs? 70-75 and 121 - 124
Which two entries will help you find out about tiredness and how to cope? 151-155 and 12-14
Which pages would you turn to in order to find out about injuries? 60-65
Which two entries would you use to find out more about healthy eating? 30-40 and  80-90
Which pages would you turn to in order to find out about the bad effects of smoking?121 - 124
Why do you think there are two ranges of page numbers for lungs?
On which pages would you find out more about the healthy effects of sport?

Dictionary Meanings.

incapacitated: unable to act and respond.
pharmacist: a person licensed to prepare and dispense drugs and medicines.
inoculation: the act or process of inoculating.

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