
Monday, 23 September 2013

How to write a bibliography

How to write a Bibliography

L.I. - Know how to reference a book correctly

we are doing research we need to find corroborating sources of
information.  A good way to do this is to find a book and a website that
give you the same information.  This means that the information in most
likely to be accurate.
the end of the presentation it is important to cite the books and
websites you have used.  This activity shows you how to present the
book. information.


Using the scans from books used in our volcanoes unit, write the bibliography entry.

Surname, First name. (year) Title. Publisher: Place of publication
1 . Edwards, John. (2005) Plate tectonics. Evan brothers limited: London ✓
2. Netzly, Patricia D. (2003) Volcanoes. Kidhaven press: Farmington Hills✓
3. Firestone, Mary. (2006) Volcanologist. Chelsea House publishers: U.S.A✓

4. Rae, Alison. (2005) Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Evan Brothers   publishers: London✓

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